Wednesday, October 31, 2012

everyday beauty.


since i´ve been back from sunny spring-time in Australia i have been discovering so much beauty in everyday life here in autumn eastern Germany. i love life here. i really do.


freedom is here

The last year has been not always easy.
i found myself questioning  alot... life, passions, and dreams.
university life shook me alot at first, i found myself wheeping on the floor may times.
it was not only the pressure but many other things breaking through my calloused heart.
now i believe i have arrived in a place, victory i havn´t know in so many years.
and it feels like i´m stepping into new land, can hardly believe it´s true.
One thing i know is this big thing following me all these past years has broke of with one huge very painful wave of all the emotions i have tried to compensate with other comforters in the last week i was in Sydney with my sister.
It was unforgettable, way too intense. But i was vividly reminded of Gods furiouse love when he cleaned his holy temple out. and now...why have i ignored so long that my body is his holy temple? i am responsible but don´t have to hold onto controll with all i have, for i have nothing without God.
It´s time be real. and most of all free.
the miracle of this season might seem silly but for me actually its a sign of nothing less but victory.
i enjoyed cake with friends last saturday.enjoyed.