Sunday, November 14, 2010

Hamburg Adventure

soo friends i´m back from Hamburg!
the Past week our School went to a conference about injustice and poverty. It was inpacting and i learned alot about modern slavery. an issue not many people think about.
after the conference we stayed in Hamburg another week last minute we found a place to stay almoust our whole school 110 stdents and staff in one room...but it was an amazing time, lots of growing, learning, writing, walking, laughing, crying, talking, drawing, painting, praying, worshiping...........
we visited homeless shelters, i had good confersationes with homeless people and got to bless them with portraits i drew while we were talking. i gave it to them for free and they ware soooooooo happy. i drew 5 portaits. one of them was an old man in a awesome anique shop in the ghetto part of the city...this shop was full of treasures and the old man had a story to every object, book and painting, after i drew him he wanted to give me some presents he was really greatful and wants to frame his portait..he was so cute, i´l never forgett this man and his shop.
i realized that i´m living a big dream right now. i´m meeting amazing people, who are broken, lonely and hopeless, i get to know theit stories and dreams and portrait them and bless them and honor and value them with brings myself so much joy...i really believe i´m in the place i should be now, living the dream god had of me when he created me. seriously this is all that matters, all that is relly fulfillig. a relationship with god.
i learned that when that is my focous, my dreamy fuse with god and they actually come true :D

i´m really to be here. it is the best time of my life so far.

thank you so much for your support.